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Training course “Game on, radicalisation off”

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Extremism, radicalisation and polarization of our society are a big topics for our organisation. We feel that these are causing a lot of harm to our society and youth especially. But it is very heavy topic and we believe in a power of game-based learning and gamified education techniques, that is why it was obvious choice for us to connect these two. Thats how we came up with the idea of the Erasmus+ project “Game on, radicalisation off”, together with our partner organisation INTERNATIONALER KULTURELLE JUGEND AUSTAUSCH E.V, from Germany.

The project took place in Blansko, Czech Republic, 25.9.-3.10.2022 and we met together with 30 motivated youth workers, youth leaders, teachers and young people aspiring to become leaders for their peers.

We had an opportunity to explore diverse background and experience of participants related to the topic of radicalisation and share our approaches when tackling connected problems. Participants brainstormed and created approaches and methodologies to counter-act these problems. Guided by experienced trainer in game-based education they had a space to learn and try gamified tools, learn about innovative approaches from this field and then also create their own games which would fit their exact target group and environment. Participants have also tested these games, provided feedback for each other and implemented advices from the proffesional trainer from the field.

The output of the training course is set of the gamified educational scenarios for youth workers to be used during the work with young people when teaching about radicalisation. It is freely available for download and we encourage you to do so.

This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The content of the publication is the sole responsibility of the publisher and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information.

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