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Training course “Youth Unites Europe”

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Few weeks before Christmas 2022 we had an opportunity to host Erasmus+ Training course “Youth Unites Europe”. The project took place 21.-30.11.2022 nearby Brno, Czech Republic.

The project gathered 32 youth workers, youth leaders, student association representatives and youth club members from countries across the whole Europe.

The project would help youth workers to better understand what is citizen and democracy education and how it can be reached within the field of non-formal education and intercultural learning. Also, the participants of the project would gain insights on new approaches to mentor and coordinate local youth projects and initiatives.

The youth workers would go into the topics of youth motivation, team-building dynamics, digital engagement of young people in local and European activities, various types of activism, etc. They shared their experience with the group and thus will learn from each other as well.

The partner organizations had a chance during and after the project to solidify their capacity grounds to address the broad topics of active citizenship, European cooperation, and youth leadership in their communities and countries. All partners had diverse standing on promoting youth initiatives and advocating European values, the project gives the excellent opportunity to share their working practices and methods on those matters among them.

During the project implementation stage, there were filmed and shared short educational videos as an example of how youth workers can reach youngsters on the themes of active citizenship, the European and democratic values, and local actions motivation.

You can freely watch them and download them here:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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