The Erasmus+ training course “Experiential learning for Equal and United” took place in Blansko, Czech Republic 24.6-1.7.2023.

Youth workers coming to this project had a chance to develop effective tools, based on experiential learning, for organizations working with young people, to learn new approaches and to find innovative way of interaction between youth, youth workers and other entities.
As the project name suggest, the aim of the project was to raise capacity of cohesive and inclusive youth work in youth organizations from different countries through experiential learning, project management awareness and cross-sectoral dialogue.
Through the various projects and discussions, participants developed a deeper understanding of active citizenship and gained the skills and knowledge to support and prepare youth projects. The topics explored during the training course directly contribute to raising awareness and promoting active citizenship among young people.
Participants explored several sub-topics closely connected to equal and united society, interviewed people, made analysis, brainstormed and as a results created a articles which can be helpful to any organisation working with youth:
1. Fake news as a stepping stone towards reaching equality and unity in the world and advices how to prevent them and increase media literacy skills
2. Emotional Intelligence
3. I am gay, so what
4. Importance Of Moral Values In Shaping Our Live
5. Education in Czech Republic
The European commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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This project has been co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme.