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Erasmus+ – Youth Exchange – Sustainable Synergies

EN follows V termínu od 22.ledna do 1.února se uskutečnila výměna “Sustainable Synergies” mládeže na ostrově Sv. Martin, které se zúčastnilo 6 národních skupin, pokud bychom jmenovali státy jednalo se o Španělsko, Nizozemsko, Německo, Rumunsko, Sv. Martin a samozřejmě Českou republiku. Celý program byl soustředěn na témata týkající se klimatické změny, udržitelnosti a jednotlivých kroků, jak mladí lidé v této problematice můžou přispět. Celý projekt byl financován Evropskou Unií.                                 Něco málo… Read More »Erasmus+ – Youth Exchange – Sustainable Synergies

Catching up with digital space – the results of Erasmus+ KA2 project

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Introduction: In an era dominated by the digital landscape, where information flows rapidly, ensuring that all members of our community can navigate the online world safely is paramount. Our recent participation in the Erasmus+ project, “Catching up with digital space,” aimed to address the unique challenges faced by seniors in an increasingly interconnected world. We’re excited to share the outstanding results of our project and the transformative impact it has… Read More »Catching up with digital space – the results of Erasmus+ KA2 project

Unveiling Success: “Youthquake 4 EU – Fighting Disinformation” Project Culminates in Impactful Policy Proposals

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Overview As the curtains close on the two-year Erasmus+ Youth Participation Activity, “Youthquake 4 EU: Fighting Disinformation,” it’s time to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve embarked on with 40 enthusiastic youngsters from eight European countries. From dynamic debates to innovative solutions, our project aimed to empower the future leaders of the European Union to combat the growing challenges of disinformation. Project Highlights Engaging Young Minds Our diverse group of… Read More »Unveiling Success: “Youthquake 4 EU – Fighting Disinformation” Project Culminates in Impactful Policy Proposals

Lets come together – zakončení projektu

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Fáze lokálních aktivit Erasmus+ projektu “Lets come together” je úspěšně za námi. Podařilo se nám společné se slovenským partnerem zapojit přes 550 účastníků z řad českých a ukrajinských mládežníků, dobrovolníků a pracovníků s mládeží. Podívejte se na momenty, které jsme spolu zažívali v průběhu roku v našem videoreportu: A jaké aktivity jsme uskutečnili? Tady je seznam: Umělecký a řemeslný veletrh – Platforma pro umělecký projev, podporující kulturní výměnu a kreativitu.… Read More »Lets come together – zakončení projektu

Erasmus+ TC “Raise local leaders”: A Journey of Learning, Mentoring, and Leadership Excellence Across Borders

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In a collaborative effort spanning nine countries, the Erasmus+ training course, “Raise Local Leaders,” unfolded as a transformative initiative to enhance the competencies and attitudes of youth workers. With participants from the Czech Republic, Armenia, Italy, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Spain, Georgia, Estonia, and France, the project aimed to empower youth workers with the skills and knowledge necessary for effective engagement with the dynamic and diverse Generation Z. The… Read More »Erasmus+ TC “Raise local leaders”: A Journey of Learning, Mentoring, and Leadership Excellence Across Borders

KA2 Catching up with digital space – A Glimpse into Job Shadowing in Slovenia

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In the scope of Erasmus+ KA2 project “Catching up with digital space”, to understandand the effective methodologies in senior education, representatives from Czech and Polish organizations visited job shadowing at Epeka, a Slovenian organization committed to addressing the unique challenges faced by seniors, particularly those from marginalized groups. Understanding Daily Routines: One of the primary objectives was to delve into the daily routines of Epeka. Observing their operations provided valuable… Read More »KA2 Catching up with digital space – A Glimpse into Job Shadowing in Slovenia

Lets come together – Jóga v parku

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S létem a krásným počasím jsme začali realizovat venkovní aktivity v rámci Erasmus+ projektu “Lets come together”. Tentokrát měla česká a ukrajinská mládež, pod vedením zkušené lektorky jógy, možnost zklidnit si a protáhnout tělo i duši v lužáneckém parku v Brně. Těšíme se na další potkání! Tento projekt byl spolufinancován Evropskou Unií, v rámci programu Erasmus+.

Experiential learning for Equal and United

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The Erasmus+ training course “Experiential learning for Equal and United” took place in Blansko, Czech Republic 24.6-1.7.2023. Youth workers coming to this project had a chance to develop effective tools, based on experiential learning, for organizations working with young people, to learn new approaches and to find innovative way of interaction between youth, youth workers and other entities. As the project name suggest, the aim of the project was to… Read More »Experiential learning for Equal and United

Kicking the pain away – gently: Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Champions Mental Wellbeing Amidst COVID Challenges

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In the picturesque nature nearby Ochoz u Brna, Czech Republic, from the 21st to the 30th of June 2023, an inspiring gathering of 30 enthusiastic young minds from Czechia, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Poland, and Portugal unfolded. The occasion? The completion of the KA1 Erasmus+ Youth Exchange, aptly titled “Kicking the Pain Away – Gently.” The project aimed to address the pressing issue of mental wellbeing among young people in the… Read More »Kicking the pain away – gently: Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Champions Mental Wellbeing Amidst COVID Challenges

“Youthquake 4 EU: Fighting Disinformation” – the journey begins

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Youth Activists Converge for a Transformative 7-Day Exchange Mobility Program In an exhilarating kickoff to the Erasmus+ Youth Participation Activity “Youthquake 4 EU: Fighting Disinformation” project, 40 vibrant participants from eight European countries recently gathered for the first activity— the “Exchange Mobility for Youth Activists & Tomorrow’s Decision-Makers.” Representing nations including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Latvia, Finland, Croatia, and Portugal, these young leaders immersed themselves in a seven-day… Read More »“Youthquake 4 EU: Fighting Disinformation” – the journey begins